Kids Still Young? Take the Trip.

It's Okay to Travel with Young Kids! 

We have heard many times over the years that traveling with young children is a waste of time and money, mostly because the kids won't remember. While family memories can look different for every family, we want to challenge this thinking. Here are some character traits we see in our traveling children:

1. Flexibility - Traveling with young children has helped our kids learn how to be flexible. While we typically stay on schedule at home, our wake up times, meal times, and bedtimes definitely vary on the road. We've noticed they now do better at home when our schedule occasionally needs to shift. 

2. Curiosity - We have encouraged the kiddos to ask questions while we're on the road. We hunt for treasures (sometimes by geocaching!) and encourage conversation about what's different in our traveling destinations compared to home. We try to find books and tv programs about the places we have been or plan to go to encourage learning, excitement, and memories! 

3. Appreciation for History - Just today, Andi and I were at an appointment, and she pointed out a photo on the wall. "Look mom! Tomb of the Unknown Solider!" A few days ago, we were at the library, and Emmett came running over with a book he found about 

4. Awareness of Money - Mom and dad cover the costs for room, board, and