Tiffany Straus

Founder, Chief Strategist

Meet the mom! Tiffany was born and raised in her beloved home state of Indiana and is fully embracing her new Southern lifestyle as she and Jeremy raise their children in South Carolina. Away from her professional life, she is passionate about travel, reading, skincare, and making lasting memories with her family and friends. She and Jeremy love working together to build a life that is financially and emotionally stable for their children. They also want their kids to see them love each other and work together as a team in all parts of life. Professionally, Tiffany is currently an MBA candidate and is passionate about her work in the community health center movement. She believes everyone has the right to affordable, quality healthcare. She had the honor of building an incredible creative team and has grown into an executive role with her current employer. She also thrives in supporting small businesses and nonprofits in doing their best work through strategic planning, internal and external communications, and other important business needs.

Jeremy Straus

Founder, CFO, Business Manager

Meet the dad! Jeremy is a native Michigander who grew up milking cows and being a star 3-sport athlete. He also played the drums in his high school jazz band! Jeremy and Tiffany moved to South Carolina with Jeremy's job in 2012 and began growing their family. Away from work, you'll find him with his F3 Florence brothers who deeply believe in men supporting other men through fitness, fellowship, and faith. Jeremy is usually designing and building things or playing outside with his kids. He also loves working on his 1991 Ford Mustang. He has an entrepreneur spirit, is savvy with finances, and committed to creating financial independence for his family. Professionally, Jeremy has been with his company for over 16 years and has been successful in many aspects of his work. He is well respected for his creative mind, commitment to excellence, and humble spirit.


Content Specialist, Chaos Coordinator

Meet the Chaos Coordinator! Meet our chaos coordinator! We are so fortunate that Hayleigh's incredible parents are willing to share her with us. She is an important member of our family, and we are excited to bring her along on our new business journey! Hayleigh is studying education at Francis Marion University and has big aspirations to become a teacher and eventually a school principal! Born and raised in Florence, SC, her childhood involved being an active gymnast, learning to play the violin, and picking up the language of German. Hayleigh loves serving her community by teaching young children at her church and as the community service director of her sorority. When she isn't coordinating chaos at the Straus House, she is busy babysitting for other families and training new hires at Chick-fil-a. In addition to education and community service, Hayleigh loves all-things self care and takes pride in her hair, nails, and fitness routine. She's a loyal client of her local esthetician and enjoys learning about new brands and products!

Emmett & Andi Rae

Field Testers

Meet the kiddos! Starting at the ages of three and six, Andi and Emmett began learning about the value of hard work and finance. As part of our household, they have responsibilities and are learning about budgeting through our 3-jar allowance system. They can often be found hosting lemonade stands and impromptu yard sales. Mirroring the passions of their parents, both kids LOVE to travel and are learning to appreciate the beauty of nature and the excitement of city life! Andi Rae's first trip was at the age of 8 weeks! Andi Rae loves horses and can regularly be found taking riding lessons at her favorite equestrian barn. She has her own unique sense of fashion that her mom is learning to embrace (no more ruffles and cutesy hair bows for this sassy girl!). She is in the Spanish language immersion program at her school and while we are proud of her for her brains and talents, Andi Rae knows the most important thing to her parents is for her to be KIND and HUMBLE. Emmett is a busy five year old, enjoying his final stretch of pre-k! He is curious with a little streak of orneriness.... If you can't find him, he's probably climbing a tree, sneaking candy, or practicing his latest parkour moves. This year, he is learning to read and comes home each day excited to share his new book. He loves playing sports at the YMCA and playing with his best neighbor buddy!